Oh no...

Meet the team

Take a look at all of the people making AxielPD possible. If you ever have an issue, speak to these people!

Our Team

Each of these people are dedicated to providing the best gameplaying experience for everyone! They all play their part to work as a team to make AxielPD progress further!

We're Hiring, want to join?

Open Vacancies


If I were a vegetable, I'd be a rad-ish...



My name is Doggo. I like playing with the rules and eating mash.



My name is what? Yes Stevie I'm a Admin at Axiel you'll find me on the server mostly in the evenings and weekends, Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions server related and I'll try my best to answer them. If I can't I'll find you someone who can.



Hey There! I am Tucker, a new member of the Axiel team. Always happy to help and assist in any way I can. See you around, Tucker!



Hello there, I am ThisIsAGlobe. If you need anything or have any questions, please do not hesitate to come and speak to me and I'll try and help you to the best of my abilities.



I'm somewhat of a developer apparently, so I help out wherever I'm needed! Oh and Hodge smells xo

Support Team


Hello, I'm Jurassicbus. I'm a big fan of dinosaurs and buses. I'm a member of the support team. I am happy to help you out whenever you need it

Support Team


Hello, I'm Alex, and I'm a member of the Axiel PD Support Team. If you require any help then feel free to get in touch!

Support Team


Hello, I'm Mango, one of the new members of Support Staff here, Im often in-game (1709) and am happy to assist whenever you may need it.